HSE First Aid Updates Emphasise Responsibility to Assess Mental Health
The CRA is notifying its members that the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has just launched updated versions of the following documents:
• L74 – Guidance on The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981
• GEIS 3 – Selecting a First Aid Training Provider – A Guide for Employers
New mental health requirement
Key changes in L74 include a change in emphasis that requires employers to consider an employee’s mental health in their first-aid needs assessment. The HSE document states:
It may also be helpful to have people trained to identify and understand mental ill health symptoms who are able to support someone who is experiencing a mental health issue. You may decide that someone with an FAW or EFAW qualification is already able to provide initial support and reassurance to a worker experiencing an acute mental health episode, but you should consider if any further training is required. You should be satisfied that they:
• Know how to access professional help if necessary
• Can act promptly, safely and effectively until that help is available
Mental Health First Aid Training
CRA members can get special rates for Mental Health First Aid training to bring first aiders’ skills up to date if needed – for more information, email our Training Committee Chair Mike Threadgold at michael.threadgold1@gmail.com